The WCA projects all work together, and partner with other organisations to form a circle of support around our beneficiaries.
How does WCA interact with the wider Windsor community?
The WCA trustees and over 200 volunteers are drawn from the Windsor area and represent a wide cross-section of the community. Businesses, schools, and churches actively support the Projects, recognising the benefits to Windsor life.
What other local activities do we complement?
The WCA Projects work jointly and regularly in partnership with the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (RBWM) Housing Options team, the Community Wardens, drug and alcohol Resilience workers; the Making Every Adult Matter team and the Maidenhead Community Mental Health team; also with Thames Valley Police; the Probation Service; local GPs and the Ambulance Service.
What gaps in local services do we fill?
There is nowhere else in the Windsor area that has as its sole purpose the dedicated provision of joined up care for such a wide range of vulnerable local people.
What makes the WCA best placed to carry out this work?
The Homeless Project has over ten years of experience in this field, Street Angels eight, and FoodShare seven. The three Projects together have the resilience and expertise to complement each other and work effectively together in many areas.
How is the WCA funded?
All of our Projects rely entirely on individual donations and grants that allow us to operate day to day but are neither substantial nor regular enough to be able to assure nor to improve the provision of our services for the following year. We are seeking funding partners to help us to improve the support to vulnerable people in the community for the period 2022 to 2025.